Free Masterclass Connect to the Soul of your Business 

🔥 Go into communion with the Soul of your offering for this world.

🔥 Receive a powerful transmission of it's Essence.

🔥 Find trust that this offering is choosing you for a reason.

🔥 Learn how you can birth this offering into the word with the deeper intelligence of Life as your strategy.

🔥 Learn how to Embody your own unique Essence so deeply that your vibration naturally inspires, teaches & assists others.

🔥 Release the confusion around the question: "Is it fear or intuition?"

🔥 Discover the secrets of Deeply Aligned Soul-based decision making in your Mission & Business. 

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Connect to the Soul of your Business

Your offering for this world is alive with it's own unique Soul. You will learn to connect and come into communion with this Soul. 

Receive a powerful transmission of it's Essence

Let The Soul of your offering share it's Essence with you in images, colours, sounds, words, messages, sensations, tastes & smells. 

Learn to trust that your offer has chosen You!

Your offering is not randomly with you. It's choosing you for a reason. You are the only one who can birth it in the way you can and it's counting on you. 

Discover the secrets of Deeply Aligned Soul-Based decision making

Release the confusion around the question: "Is it fear or intuition?" and find a powerful way to move through insecurities, doubts & fears in the unfoldment of your Mission & Business. 

Let the Mystery be your strategy

There are no cookie-cutter strategies out there that can birth your offer in it's fullest expression. I invite you to allow the deeper intelligence of life to speak through your Intuition & inner wisdom. 

"Your offering for this world is alive with it's own unique Soul and holds a powerful transmission for you." 


"I want to see a world filled with Intuitive Soul Based Leaders"

Is it possible to have a world with so many leaders, you might wonder. My answer? YES! Why? Because Soul Leaders are moved and guided by the One force that is Life itself. And this Force has an intelligence of it's own. It holds a perfectionism in the way it moves us through the pulse of our Intuition, Synchronicities and Magic. 

My name is Nicole Costerus and I am your facilitator

You my love are highly and deeply intuitive. You are shamanically in communion with life and the wildness of your soul is longing to be set free on this planet.

2022 is a year for our Soul's work to come out more fully! Will you join us?


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